1. What is the maximum gross weight for Grob103? And Empty Weight?
> 最大(離陸)重量、空の重量は?
– The maximum weight is ________ and empty is ________.

2. Would ballast be required if the front seat pilot was 110lbs.? If yes, how much?
> フロントシートのパイロットの体重が110ポンドの時、バラストは必要?重量は?
– Yes. It’s ______lbs.

3. How is the trim lever operated? What position prior to take-off should the trim lever be set (aero tow)?
> トリムレバーの操作はどうやりますか?離陸時のトリム位置は?
– When take-off, it sets at __________ position.

4. How is the hydraulic brake rigged for operation?
> 油圧ブレーキはどんなとき(どんな風に)に使いますか?
– When L/D, it is used on the field. It is controlled by oil pressure.

5. Explain operation of the spoiler?
> スポイラーの使用方法を説明してください?
– The spoilers are operated for the altitude control when L/D.
> ちなみにスピードは何でコントロール?

6. What documents are required to have on board your sailplane?
> グライダー乗機時に必要なドキュメントは?

7. Where must the Airworthiness Certificate be displayed?
> 耐空検査証(Airworthiness Certificate)はどこにありますか?
– On the side pocket of the cockpit.

8. The pitot system provides impact pressure for what instrument?
> ピトーシステムによる動圧(impact pressure)はどんな計器に利用されますか?
– The __________ indicator. (and maybe Variometer.)

9. Which instruments will become inoperative if the static vents become clogged?
> 静圧口が故障すると、どの計器が使えなくなりますか?

10. How does the total energy variometer work?
> トータルエナジーバリオメーター(the total energy variometer)の動作?
– See TEXTBOOK Page 3-9.

11. What are the stalling speeds, dual, solo, no dive brakes and wings level?
> ストール速度は?デュアルの場合。ソロの場合。共にダイブブレーキ無、水平飛行。

12. What are the stalling speeds with dive brakes extended, dual, and solo?
> ストール速度は?デュアルの場合。ソロの場合。共にダイブブレーキ開。

13. What is the maximum aerotow speed? Red line speed? Best L/D speed, solo and dual? Maximum sink speed, solo and dual? Maximum speed for spoiler operation?
> 曳航時の最高速度?(Vt)
レッドライン(Red line)速度?(Vne)

14. When flying dual, why is it unsafe to make a landing approach with dive brakes fully open, at an airspeed below 57 knots? When flying solo?
> デュアル飛行時、エアスピード57ノット以下、ダイブブレーキを開きランディングアプローチを試みることはなぜ危険なのか? ソロの場合はどうか?
– The suitable approach and pattern speed are the l/d max + 1/2wind speed.
– In case of the dive brakes open and make a slip, below 57kt airspeed approach has a chance of a stall on base and final,

15. Is it permissible to make a slip to landing with full spoilers?
> フルスポイラー(ダイブブレーキ開最大)スリップの可否?
– It was prohibited.

16. Landing touchdown flare speed with full dive brake is? Is it permissible to use full dive brakes for normal landings?
> フルダイブブレーキ着陸時のフレアスピード? 平常着陸時、フルダイブブレーキ使用の可否?
– Vs1 = Vso + ____kt. You should full spoiler after touch down for stop the plane.

17.Explain taxiing after landing touchdown.
> 着陸後のタクシーについて説明してください。
– Control the sailplane by airelones and a rudder for maintain level.

18. Why does stall speed increase in banked flight?
> 旋回時にストールスピードが増加するのはなぜ?
If the glider produces constant total of the lift, the vertical components of the lift is reduced by horizontally of the lift.

19. What is the maneuvering speed of the Grob103? Define maneuvering speed.
> マニューバリングスピード(Va)? Vaとは?
– See TEXT BOOK Page 2-9.

20. What is the traffic speed for Grob103?
> トラフィックパターンのスピードを説明してください。
– See TEXT BOOK 14-10 – .

21. Why is it important to use a check list for take-off? Landing?
> 離陸時、着陸時、チェックリスト使用はなぜ重要なのか?
– For safety. We may forget the procedures some times.

22. Would you pre-flight a glider that has been flying, but now flown by you?
> 他人のフライト直後、あなたがフライトを行う場合、プリフライトは必要ですか?
– Yes.

23. If you lost sight of the tow plane while on aero tow, What should you do?
> 曳航中に曳航機を見失った場合、どうしますか?

24. If the towplane rocks its wings, what action should you take.
> 曳航機が、翼を左右非対称に上下に揺らした(rocks its wings)場合、あなたの取るべき行動は?

25. If you are unable to release from the towplane, what procedure would you follow?
> あなたが曳航機から離脱できない場合、あなたの取るべき行動は?

26. If you have a rope brake below 200 feet AGL, what would be your course of action? Above 200 feet?
> 地上高200フィート以下でロープが切れた場合、あなたの取るべき行動・コースは? 地上高200フィート以上ならば?

27. If the towplane had a complete or partial power failure immediately after take-off and you were cut loose by the tow pilot, what would you do?
> 離陸直後、曳航機のエンジンがフェイル、曳航パイロットがロープをリリースした場合、あなたの取るべき行動は?

28. What methods are there in dealing with slack line while on aerotow?
> 曳航中、スラックライン(slack line:ロープのたるみ)が発生、あなたの取るべき行動は?

29. How do you recover from a spiral dive? A spin?
> スパイラルダイブからの回復方法を説明してください。スピンの場合は?

30. What are three ways you can compensate for being too high on base leg?
> ベースレグで高度が高すぎた場合の処理方法を説明してください。

31. When approaching to land during gusty wind conditions, should you fly pattern at normal pattern speed, slower or faster?
> 着陸時、ガスティウインド(突風)の場合、アプローチ速度は?

32. What altitude should you leave the I.P.(initial point) at?
> 目標地点(I.P.:イニシャルポイント)離脱時の高度は?

33. Is it permissible to thermal after the I.P. or in the traffic pattern?
> 目標地点(I.P.:イニシャルポイント)離脱後、上昇気流地点の禁止事項は?

34. What action would you take if your canopy become unlatched and opened after becoming airborne?
> 離陸時、キャノピーがロックされていない、または開いてしまった場合、あなたの取るべき行動は?

35. When approaching an aircraft head on during flight, which way should you alter course?
> 飛行時、他機が真正面に向かってきた場合、あなたの取るべき行動・コースは?

36. Each aircraft that is being overtaken in flight must be passed well clear to what side?
> 飛行時、他機に追い越される場合、あなたの取るべき行動・コースは?

37. When two or more aircraft are approaching an airport for the purpose of landing, which one has the right of way?
> 複数の機体が着陸の為エアポートにアプローチする場合、優先権を述べよ。

38. Aircraft on final approach to land, or while landing, have the right of way over what other aircraft?
> ファイナルに居る機体は、その上空に居る他の機体より優先するか?

39. Before being soloed by your instructor, what pilot documents and personal flight records must you have?
> インストラクターよりソロフライトを許可される前、あなたが必要なドキュメントと飛行記録?

40. Explain ground launch signals.
> グランドランチシグナル(地上曳航)について説明してください。

41. Landing pattern bank angle of turns should not exceed?
> ランディングパターントラフィックで旋回のバンクアングル限界は?

42. How do you compensate for crosswind drift on downwind leg, base leg, final approach, and landing?
> ダウンウインドレグ、ベースレグ、ファイナル、着陸時それぞれのクロスウインドの対処法?

43. In turning stall recovery, using ailerons to level the wings before unstalling the wing, will have what effect?
> 旋回時のストールリカバリで、ストール前にエルロンにてバンクを修正する時の効果は?
● How to get WX BRIEF ウェザーブリーフィング

1.You: Call to 1-800-WX-BRIEF (99-27433)
2.FSS: “Flight Service…”
3.You: “Good morning, Sir / Madam.
I’d like to (file a flight plan and ) standard WX BRIEFing, please.”
4.FSS: “Go ahead.”
5.You: Give your information.
1) AIRCRAFT “Aircraft, NXXXXX,”
2) TYPE “Type, Grob103(One Oh Threeh),”
3) “VFR,”
4) Dept. A/P “Departure Airport, Seminole,”
5) ETD “Estimated Departure, 1800Z(Zulu),”
6) Route of flight “Route of flight, XXX VOR, XX,…,”
7) Alt. of flight “Altitude, 5.5 Thousand,”
8) Arrival A/P “and Destination, XXX Airport.”
9) ETA “Estimated Arrival, XXXX Z(Zulu).”
6. FSS:
1) Adverse Conditions
> Significant meteorological information
> Aeronautical information
– Might influence the pilot to alter the proposed flight.
– Hazardous WX conditions
– Runway closures
– Navaid outages.
2) VFR Flight NOT Recommended
> Present
– Sky conditions
– Visivilities
> Forcast
– Sky conditions
– Visivilities
> Surface
> Aloft
3) Synoptic Situation : Type, Location, and Movement
> WX Systems
> Air masses
> Might affect the proposed flight

4) Current WX Conditions
Omitted if the proposed time of departure is beyond 2 hours.
> “SAs”
5) En Route WX Forecast
> Forecast en route conditions
– Departure point / Climbout
– En route
– Descent
6) Destination Forecast
> Any significant change within 1 hour before and after the planned arrival.
7) Wind Aloft
> Forecast Wind Aloft
– Wind directions
– Wind speeds
8) Notice to Airmen (NOTAMs)
9) ATC Delays
> Any known ATC delays
> Flow control advisories
10) Request
> Information on MTR and MOA activities
> A review of the NOTAMs and special NOTICEs.
> Approximate density altitude data.
> Information regarding air traffic services and rules,
customs / immigration procedures, ADIZ rules, search and rescue.
> Other assistance


> クラスCエアスペース「青い円形破線」の言い方 = “The dashed blue line circle.”

> その他

